This text addresses the new-media skills that employees are expected to have in today's business environment. It presents these technologies in the context of proven communication strategies and essential business English skills. For Business Communication courses. Lire la suite
Prepare students for the demands they'll face on the job.
Only Bovée/Thill texts thoroughly address the new-media skills that employees are expected to have in today's business environment. Business Communication Essentials presents these technologies in the context of proven communication strategies and essential business English skills.
For Business Communication courses.
I Business Communication Foundations
01. Understanding Business Communication in Today's Workplace
02. Mastering Team Skills and Interpersonal Communication
II The Three-Step Writing Process
03. Planning Business Messages
04. Writing Business Messages
05. Completing Business Messages
III Brief Business Messages
06. Crafting Messages for Electronic Media
07. Writing Routine and Positive Messages
08. Writing Negative Messages
09. Writing Persuasive Messages
IV Longer Business Messages
10. Understanding and Planning Reports and Proposals
11. Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
12. Developing Oral and Online Presentations
V Employment Messages and Job Interviews
13. Building Careers and Writing Résumés
14. Applying and Interviewing for Employment
Handbook of Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage