Comparative Politics Today: Pearson New International Edition

A World View
10e édition

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Pearson Education
Bingham G. Powell, Russell J. Dalton, Kaare Strom,
BISAC Subject Heading
BIC subject category (UK)
JP Politics & government
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
01 novembre 2013
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Politique et gouvernement

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 744
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre

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1) Brief Table of Contents

2) Full Table of Contents


1) Brief Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Issues in Comparative Politics
Chapter 2: Comparing Political Systems



Chapter 3: Political Culture and Political Socialization

Chapter 4: Interest Articulation

Chapter 5: Interest Aggregation and Political Parties
Chapter 6: Government and Policymaking

Chapter 7: Public Policy



Chapter 8: Politics in Britain by Richard Rose

Chapter 9: Politics in France by Martin A. Schain

Chapter 10: Politics in Germany by Russell J. Dalton

Chapter 11: Politics in Japan by Frances Rosenbluth and Michael F. Thies

Chapter 12: Politics in Russia by Thomas F. Remington

Chapter 13: Politics in China by Melanie Manion

Chapter 14: Politics in Mexico by Wayne A. Cornelius and Jeffrey A. Weldon

Chapter 15: Politics in Brazil by Frances Hagopian and Timothy J. Power

Chapter 16: Politics in Iran by H.E. Chehabi and Arang Keshavarzian

Chapter 17: Politics in India by Subrata K. Mitra

Chapter 18: Politics in Nigeria by A. Carl LeVan, Robert J. Mundt, and Oladimeji Aborisade

Chapter 19: Politics in the United States by Thad Kousser and Austin Ranney


2) Full Table of Contents


Part I:  Introduction


Chapter 1: Issues in Comparative Politics
What is Politics?
Governments and the State of Nature
Why Governments?
When Does Government Become the Problem
Political Systems and States
The Diversity of States
Challenges: Building Community
Fostering Economic Development
Fostering Democracy, Human Rights, and Civil Liberties
Looking Forward


Chapter 2: Comparing Political Systems
Why We Compare
How We Compare
How We Explain and Predict
Political Systems: Environment and Interdependence
Political Systems: Structures and Functions
An Illustrative Comparison: Regime Change in Russia 
The Policy Level: Performance, Outcome, and Evaluation 

Part II: System, Process, and Policy


Chapter 3: Political Culture and Political Socialization 
Mapping the Three Levels of Political Culture 
Why Culture Matters 
Political Socialization 
Agents of Political Socialization 
Trends Shaping Contemporary Political Cultures 

Chapter 4: Interest Articulation 
Citizen Action 
How Citizens Participate 
Interest Groups 
Civil Society
Interest Group Systems 
Access to the Influential 
Policy Perspectives on Interest Articulation 
Interest Group Development 


Chapter 5: Interest Aggregation and Political Parties 

Personal Interest Aggregation 
Institutional Interest Aggregation 
Competitive Party Systems and Interest Aggregation 
Authoritarian Party Systems 
The Military and Interest Aggregation 
Trends in Interest Aggregation 
Significance of Interest Aggregation 


Chapter 6: Government and Policymaking 
Constitutions and Decision Rules 
Democracy and Authoritarianism 
Separation of Government Powers 
Geographic Distribution of Government Power 
Limitations on Government Power 
Checking the Top Policymakers 
Political Executives 
The Bureaucracy 



Part III: Country Studies


Chapter 7: Politics in Britain 
Richard Rose
Country Bio—United Kingdom 
Policy Challenges Facing British Government  
The Environment of Politics: One Crown but Five Nations  
The Legacy of History 
The Structure of Government 
The Cabinet and Cabinet Ministers 
Political Culture and Legitimacy 
Political Socialization 
Political Participation
Political Recruitment
Organizing Group Interests 
Party System and Electoral Choice 
Centralized Authority and Decentralized Delivery of Policies 
Why Public Policy Matters  
Policy Outcomes in Society


Chapter 8: Politics in France 
Martin A. Schain
Country Bio—France 
Current Policy Challenges 
A Historical Perspective 
Economy and Society 
The Constitutional Tradition
Political Culture 
Political Socialization 
Recruitment and Style of Elites 
Interest Groups 
Political Parties 
Patterns of Voting 
Policy Processes 
The State and Territorial Relations 
Performance and Prospects 


Chapter 9: Politics in Germany 
Russell J. Dalton
Country Bio—Germany 
Current Policy Challenges 
The Historical Legacy 
Following Two Paths 
Social Forces 
The Institutions and Structure of Government 
Remaking Political Cultures 
Political Learning and Political Communication 
Citizen Participation 
Politics at the Elite Level 
Interest Groups 
Party Government
The Party System 
The Role of Elections
The Policymaking Process 
Policy Performance 
Addressing the Policy Challenges 
After the Revolution 


Chapter 10: Politics in Japan 
Frances Rosenbluth and Michael F. Thies
Country Bio—Japan 
Current Policy Challenges 
Historical Origins of the Modern Japanese State 
The Occupation 
Political Culture and Issue Cleavages
Political Socialization
Political Participation and Voting Behavior
The Japanese Party System
Interest Groups
The Policymaking Process
Policy Performance
Concluding Thoughts About Japanese Politics 


Chapter 11: Politics in Russia 
Thomas F. Remington
Country Bio—Russia 
Ensuring Continuity of Power 
Current Policy Challenges 
Historical Legacies 
The Contemporary Constitutional Order 
Russian Political Culture in the Post-Soviet Period 
Political Participation 
Interest Articulation: Between Statism and Pluralism 
Parties and the Aggregation of Interests 
The Politics of Economic Reform 
Rule Adjudication: Toward the Rule of Law 
Russia and the International Community 


Chapter 12: Politics in China 
Melanie Manion
Country Bio—China 
Current Policy Challenges 
Historical Setting 
Social Conditions 
Structure of the Party-State 
Political Socialization 
Political Culture 
Political Participation 
Interest Articulation and Aggregation 
Policymaking and Implementation 
Policy Performance 
Hong Kong 
China’s Political Future 


Chapter 13: Politics in Mexico 
Wayne A. Cornelius and Jeffrey A. Weldon
Country Bio—Mexico 
Current Policy Challenges 
Historical Perspectives 
Political Culture
Mass Political Socialization
Political Participation
Political Structure and Institutions 
Recruiting the Political Elite 
Interest Representation and Political Control 
Political Parties 
Government Performance 
Mexico’s Political Future 


Chapter 14: Politics in Brazil 
Frances Hagopian
Country Bio—Brazil 
Current Policy Challenges 
Historical Perspectives 
Economy and Society 
Institutions and Structures of Government 
Political Culture 
Socialization and Mass Communication 
Political Recruitment and Political Participation 
Interest Groups 
Political Parties and Elections 
The Policymaking Process 
Policy Performance 
International Relations 
Prospects for the Future 


Chapter 15: Politics in Iran 
H. E. Chehabi and Arang Keshavarzian
Country Bio—Iran 
Current Policy Challenges 
Historical Legacy 
Institutions of the Islamic Republic 
Elections and Parties 
Political Culture 
Political Socialization 
Recruiting the Political Elite 
Interest Articulation and Aggregation 
Policy Formulation 
Policy Outcomes 


Chapter 16: Politics in India 
Subrata K. Mitra
Country Bio—India 
Current Policy Challenges 
History in the Making of Contemporary Politics
The “Givens” of Indian Society
Political Institutions and the Policy Process 
The Federal Structure 
The Articulation of Interests 
The Party System 
Political Culture 
Elections and Participation
Political Recruitment 
Policy Outputs: Economics, Welfare, and Poverty
Conclusion: Democracy and Development 


Chapter 17: Politics in Nigeria 
Robert J. Mundt, Oladimeji Aborisade, and A. Carl LeVan
Country Bio—Nigeria 
Current Policy Challenges 
The Effects of History 
Environmental Potential and Limitations 
Political Culture and Subcultures 
Political Socialization 
Political Recruitment 
Political Structure 
Interest Articulation 
Political Participation 
Parties and Elections 
Policy Formation and Implementation 
Nigeria in Africa and in the World 
Prospects for Development 


Chapter 18: Politics in the United States 
Thad Kousser and Austin Ranney
Country Bio—the United States 
Current Policy Challenges 
Social Conditions
The Constitutional System 
Political Culture and Socialization 
Political Participation and Recruitment
Recruitment of Leaders 
Interest Articulation: PACs  and Pressure Groups
The Special Characteristics of American Political Parties 
The Policymaking Process in America 
Policy Performance 
American Exceptionalism: Myth or Reality? 


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