Liç©o preliminar: Primeiros passos
Liç©o 1: A universidade
Liç©o 2: Entre amigos
Liç©o 3: Horas de lazer
Liç©o 4: A família
Liç©o 5: A casa
Liç©o 6: A roupa e as compras
Liç©o 7: O tempo e os passatempos
Liç©o 8: Festas e tradições
Liç©o 9: O trabalho e os negócios
Liç©o 10: A comida
Liç©o 11: A saúde e os médicos
Liç©o 12: As férias e as viagens
Liç©o 13: O meio ambiente
Liç©o 14: A sociedade
Liç©o 15: A ciência e a tecnologia
Liç©o 1:
Talking about people: Subject pronouns
Talking about academic life and daily occurrences: Present tense of regular -ar verbs
Specifying gender and number: Articles and nouns
Contractions of a, de, and em with articles
Expressing location and states of being: Present tense of estar
Asking and answering questions: Interrogative words
Mais um passo: Some regular -er and -ir verbs
Liç©o 2:
Describing people, places, and things: Adjectives
Identifying and describing; expressing origin, possession, location of events, and time: Present tense of ser
Expressing inherent qualities and changeable conditions: Ser and estar with adjectives
Expressing ownership: Possessive adjectives
Mais um passo: Some idiomatic expressions with estar
Liç©o 3:
Talking about daily life: Present tense of regular -er and -ir verbs
Expressing movement [or habits? conferir como ficou resolvido]: Present tense of ir
Expressing future action: Ir + infinitive [and other structures? conferir como ficou na vers©o definitiva]
Expressing age, possession, and obligation: Ter and ter que + infinitive
Talking about quantity: Numbers above 100
Mais um passo: Some uses of por and para
Liç©o 4:
Expressing opinions, plans, preferences, and feelings: Present tense of stem changing verbs
Expressing when, where, or how an action occurs: Adverbs
Talking about daily activities: Present tense of fazer, dizer, trazer, sair, and pôr
Expressing how long something has been going on: Faz/há with expressions of time
Mais um passo: The preterir tense of regular verbs and of ir
Liç©o 5:
Expressing ongoing actions: Present progressive
Describing physical and emotional states: Expressions with ter, estar com, and ficar com
Pointing out and identifying people and things: Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Learning useful verbs: Present tense of dar, ler, ver, and vir
Stating what you know: Saber and conhecer
Mais um passo: Some reflexive verbs and pronouns
Liç©o 6:
Talking about the past: Preterit tense of regular verbs
Talking about the past: Preterit of ir and ser
Indicating the object of an action: Direct object nouns and pronouns
Reinforcing inquiries: Tag questions
Mais um passo: Some more uses of por and para
Liç©o 7:
Indicating for whom an action takes place: Indirect object nouns and pronouns
Talking about the past: Some irregular preterits
Expressing ongoing actions and descriptions in the past: The imperfect
Imperfect tense of regular and irregular verbs
Narrating in the past: The preterit and the imperfect
Mais um passo: Há/Faz meaning ago
Liç©o 8:
Comparing people and things: Comparisons of inequality
Comparing people and things: Comparisons of equality
Comparing people and things: The superlative
Emphasizing or clarifying information: Pronouns after prepositions
Talking about daily routine: Reflexive verbs and pronouns
Liç©o 9:
Stating impersonal information: Se as impersonal subject
Talking about the past: More on the preterit and the imperfect
Asking questions: More on interrogative pronouns
Giving instructions: Commands
Liç©o 10:
Expressing subjective attitudes: Introduction to the present subjunctive
Talking about expectations: The subjunctive used to express wishes and hope
Expressing doubt and uncertainty: The subjunctive with verbs and expressions of doubt
Telling people what to do: More on commands
Liç©o 11:
Expressing emotions, opinions, and attitudes: The subjunctive with expressions of emotion
Suggesting that someone and the speaker do something: The equivalents of the English let’s
Expressing movement, time, and action: Por and para (review)
Using prepositions to express a range of meanings: Additional uses of por and para
Referring to people and things: Relative pronouns
Liç©o 12:
Expressing affirmation and negation: Affirmative and negative expressions
Talking about things that may not exist: The indicative and the subjunctive in adjective clauses
Making qualified statements: The subjunctive in adverbial clauses
Expressing wishes, recommendations, and conditions in the past: The past subjunctive
Liç©o 13:
Planning the future: The future tense
Hypothesizing about the future: The future subjunctive
Hypothesizing about what might happen: The conditional
Expressing reciprocity: Reciprocal verbs and pronouns
Liç©o 14:
Talking about results of actions: The past participle
Emphasizing facts resulting from actions: The passive voice
Talking about the recent past: The present perfect
Talking about the past from a past perspective: The past perfect
Liç©o 15:
Expressing actions: Uses of the impersonal infinitive
Personalizing the expression of actions: The personal infinitive
Hypothesizing about the present and the future: Present and future if-clause sentences
Expressing subjective attitudes: Diminutives and augmentatives
Expans©o gramatical:
More on direct object pronouns
Contractions of direct and indirect object pronouns
Object pronouns with future and conditional verb forms
The present perfect subjunctive
The conditional perfect and the pluperfect subjunctive
If-clause sentences with the perfect tenses
The future perfect and the future perfect subjunctive