Chapter 1: The Purpose and Promise of Special Education
Chapter 2: Planning and Providing Special Education Services
Chapter 3: Collaborating with Parents and Families in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Society
Chapter 4: Intellectual Disabilities
Chapter 5: Learning Disabilities
Chapter 6: Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Chapter 7: Autism Spectrum Disorders
Chapter 8: Communication Disorders
Chapter 9: Blindness and Low Vision
Chapter 10: Deafness and Hearing Loss
Chapter 11: Physical Disabilties, Health Impairments, and ADHD
Chapter 12: Low-Incidence Disabilities: Severe/Multiple Disabilities, Deaf-Blindness, and Traumatic Brain Injury
Chapter 13: Giftedness and Talent
Chapter 14: Early Childhood Special Education
Chapter 15: Transitioning to Adulthood
· Categorical chapters 4-13 roughly follow the same general format:
· Definition (and Classification)
· Identification and Assessment
· Characteristics
· Prevalence
· Causes
· Educational Approaches
· Educational Placement