Part I Nature of Stuttering
Chapter 1. What Is Stuttering?
Chapter 2. Who and How Many Stutter?
Chapter 3. When and How Does Stuttering Begin? How Does it Develop?
Chapter 4. Where Does It End? Advanced Characteristics, Rules, and Phenomena
Part II Explanations of Stuttering
Chapter 5. Why Do People Stutter? Evaluating Theories and Models
Chapter 6. Is Stuttering Biological? Neurological, Motor, and Genetic Perspectives
Chapter 7. Is Stuttering Psychological? Psychoemotional, Psychobehavioral, and Psycholinguistic Theories
Part III Clinical Management of Stuttering
Chapter 8. Assessment of Adults and School-Age Children
Chapter 9. Stuttering Therapy: Issues, Directions, Research, Ethics
Chapter 10. Adult Therapy: Focus on Emotional Reactions
Chapter 11. Therapy for Adults: Focus on Stuttering and Fluency
Chapter 12. Therapy for School-Age Children
Chapter 13. Assessment of Stuttering in Early Childhood
Chapter 14. Treatment of Preschool-Age Children Who Stutter