1. Agile Practices. 2. Overview of Extreme Programming. 3. Planning. 4. Testing. 5. Refactoring. 6. A Programming Episode. II. AGILE DESIGN.
7. What Is Agile Design? 8. SRP: The Single-Responsibility Principle. 9. OCP: The Open-Closed Principle. 10. LSP: The Liskov Substitution Principle. 11. DIP: The Dependency-Inversion Principle. 12. ISP: The Interface-Segregation Principle. III. THE PAYROLL CASE STUDY.
13. Command and Active Object. 14. Template Method & Strategy: Inheritance vs. Delegation. 15. Facade and Mediator. 16. Singleton and Monostate. 17. Null Object. 18. The Payroll Case Study: Iteration One Begins. 19. The Payroll Case Study: Implementation. IV. PACKAGING THE PAYROLL SYSTEM.
20. Principles of Package Design. 21. Factory. 22. The Payroll Case Study (Part 2). V. THE WEATHER STATION CASE STUDY.
23. Composite. 24. Observer—Backing into a Pattern. 25. Abstract Server, Adapter, and Bridge. 26. Proxy and Stairway to Heaven: Managing Third Party APIs. 27. Case Study: Weather Station. VI. THE ETS CASE STUDY.
28. Visitor. 29. State. 30. The ETS Framework. Appendix A. UML Notation I: The CGI Example. Appendix B. UML Notation II: The Statmux. Appendix C. A Satire of Two Companies. Index.