Chapter 1: Quantities and Units
1-1 Units of Measurement
1-2 Scientific Notation
1-3 Engineering Notation and Metric Prefixes
1-4 Metric Unit Conversions
Chapter 2: Voltage, Current, and Resistance
2-1 Atomic Structure
2-2 Electrical Charge
2-3 Voltage, Current, and Resistance
2-4 Voltage and Current Sources
2-5 Resistors
2-6 The Electric Circuit
2-7 Basic Circuit Measurements
2-8 Electrical Safety
A Circuit Application
Chapter 3: Ohm’s Law
3-1 The Relationship of Current, Voltage, and Resistance
3-2 Calculating Current
3-3 Calculating Voltage
3-4 Calculating Resistance
3-5 Introduction to Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 4: Energy and Power
4-1 Energy and Power
4-2 Power in an Electric Circuit
4-3 Resistor Power Ratings
4-4 Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in Resistance
4-5 Power Supplies
A Circuit Application
Chapter 5 Series Circuits
5-1 Resistors in Series
5-2 Current in a Series Circuit
5-3 Total Series Resistance
5-4 Application of Ohm’s Law
5-5 Voltage Sources in Series
5-6 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
5-7 Voltage dividers
5-8 Power in Series Circuits
5-9 Voltage Measurements
5-10 Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 6 Parallel Circuits
6-1 Resistors in Parallel
6-2 Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
6-3 Kirchhoff’s Current Law
6-4 Total Parallel Resistance
6-5 Application of Ohm’s Law
6-6 Current Sources in Parallel
6-7 Current Dividers
6-8 Power in Parallel Circuits
6-9 Parallel Circuit Applications
6-10 Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 7 Series-Parallel Circuits
7-1 Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships
7-2 Analysis of Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits
7-3 Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads
7-4 Loading Effect of a Voltmeter
7-5 Ladder Networks
7-6 The Wheatstone Bridge
7-7 Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 8 Circuit Theorems and Conversions
8-1 The DC Voltage Source
8-2 The Current Source
8-3 Source Conversions
8-4 The Superposition Theorem
8-5 Thevenin’s Theorem
8-6 Norton’s Theorem
8-7 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
8-8 Delta-to-Wye ( -toY) and Wye-toDelta (Y-to- ) Conversions
A Circuit Application
Chapter 9 Branch, Loop, and Node Analyses
9-1 Simultaneous Equations in Circuit Analysis
9-2 Branch Current Method
9-3 Loop Current Method
9-4 Node Voltage Method
A Circuit Application
Chapter 10 Magnetism and Electromagnetism
10-1 The Magnetic Field
10-2 Electromagnetism
10-3 Electromagnetic Devices
10-4 Magnetic Hysteresis
10-5 Electromagnetic Induction
10-6 Applications of Electromagnetic Induction
A Circuit Application
Chapter 11 Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage\
11-1 The Sinusoidal Waveform
11-2 Sinusoidal Voltage Sources
11-3 Sinusoidal Voltage and Current Values
11-4 Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave
11-5 The Sine Wave Formula
11-6 Introduction to Phasors
11-7 Analysis of AC Circuits
11-8 Superimposed DC and AC Voltages
11-9 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms
11-10 The Oscilloscope
A Circuit Application
Chapter 12 Capacitors
12-1 The Basic Capacitor
12-2 Types of Capacitors
12-3 Series Capacitors
12-4 Parallel Capacitors
12-5 Capacitors in DC Circuits
12-6 Capacitors in AC Circuits
12-7 Capacitor Applications
12-8 Switched-Capacitor Circuits
A Circuit Application
Chapter 13 Inductors
13-1 The Basic Inductor
13-2 Types of Inductors
13-3 Series and Parallel Inductors
13-4 Inductors in DC Circuits
13-5 Inductors in AC Circuits
13-6 Inductor Applications
A Circuit Application
Chapter 14 RC Circuits
PART 1: Series Circuits With an Introduction to Complex Numbers
15-1 The Complex Number System
15-2 Sinusoidal Response of Series RC Circuits
15-3 Impedance of Series RC Circuits
15-4 Analysis of Series RC Circuits
PART 2: Parallel Circuits
15-5 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RC Circuits
15-6 Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits
PART 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
15-7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits
PART 4: Special Topics
15-8 Power in RC Circuits
15-9 Basic Applications
15-10 Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 15 RL Circuits
PART 1: Series Circuits
16-1 Sinusoidal Response of RL Circuits
16-2 Impedance of Series RL Circuits
16-3 Analysis of Series RL Circuits
PART 2: Parallel Circuits
16-4 Impedance and Admittance of Parallel RL Circuits
16-5 Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits
PART 3: Series-Parallel Circuits
16-6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits
PART 4: Special Topics
16-7 Power in RL Circuits
16-8 Basic Applications
16-9 Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 16 RLC Circuits and Resonance
PART 1: Series Circuits
17-1 Impedance of Series RLC Circuits
17-2 Analysis of Series RLC Circuits
17-3 Series Resonance
PART 2: Parallel Circuits
17-4 Impedance of Parallel RLC Circuits
17-5 Analysis of Parallel RLC Circuits
17-6 Parallel Resonance
PART 3: Series-Parallel RLC Circuits
17-7 Analysis of Series-Parallel RLC Circuits
PART 4: Special Topics
17-8 Bandwidth of Resonant Circuits
17-9 Applications
A Circuit Application
Chapter 17 Passive filters
18-1 Low-Pass Filters
18-2 High-Pass Filters
18-3 Band-Pass Filters
18-4 Band-Stop Filters
Chapter 18 Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis
19-1 The Superposition Theorem
19-2 Thevenin’s Theorem
19-3 Norton’s Theorem
19-4 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Chapter 19 Time Response of Reactive Circuits
20-1 The RC Integrator
20-2 Response of an RC Integrator to a Single Pulse
20-3 Response of RC Integrators to Repetitive Pulses
20-4 Response of an RC Differentiator to a Single Pulse
20-5 Response of RC Differentiators to Repetitive Pulses
20-6 Response of RL Integrators to Pulse Inputs
20-7 Response of RL Differentiators to Pulse Inputs
20-8 Relationship of Time Response to Frequency Response
20-9 Troubleshooting
A Circuit Application
Chapter 20 Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications
21-1 Introduction to Three-Phase Machines
21-2 Generators in Power Applications
21-3 Types of Three-Phase Generators
21-4 Three-Phase Source/Load Analysis
21-5 Three-Phase Power
A Table of Standard Resistor Values
B Derivations
C Capacitor Color Coding
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems