Part 1: Foundations of Remedial and Clinical Reading Instruction
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts and Definitions in Reading
Chapter 2: Causes and Correlates of Individual Differences in Reading
Part 2: Assessment
Chapter 3: Assessment for Identification of Reading Problems
Chapter 4: Assessment for Verifying General Reading Levels
Chapter 5 Assessment for Identifying Specific Strengths and Weaknesses Part 1
Chapter 6: Assessment for Identifying Specific Strengths and Weaknesses Part 2
Part 3: Instructional Interventions
Chapter 7: Important Principles of Instruction for Delayed Readers
Chapter 8: Word Recognition and Fluency
Chapter 9: Word Identification
Chapter 10: Knowledge of Word Meanings
Chapter 11: Comprehension of Informational Text
Chapter 12: Comprehension of Narrative Text
Part 4: Reading Instruction for Special Populations
Chapter 13: The Severely Delayed Reader and the Nonreader
Chapter 14: English-Language Learners and Other Learners with Special Needs