PART I: Basic Economics Tools
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Microeconomic Tools for Health Economics
Chapter 3: Statistical Tools for Health Economics
Chapter 4: Economic Efficiency and Cost-Benefit Analysis
PART II: Supply and Demand
Chapter 5: Production of Health
Chapter 6: The Production, Cost, and Technology of Health Care
Chapter 7: Demand for Health Capital
Chapter 8: Demand and Supply of Health Insurance
Chapter 9: Consumer Choice and Demand
PART III: Information and Insurance Markets
Chapter 10: Asymmetric Information and Agency
Chapter 11: The Organization of Health Insurance Markets
Chapter 12: Managed Care
Chapter 13: Nonprofit Firms
PART IV: Key Players in the Health Care Sector
Chapter 14: Hospitals and Long-Term Care
Chapter 15: The Physician’s Practice
Chapter 16: Health Care Labor Markets and Professional Training
Chapter 17: The Pharmaceutical Industry
PART V: Social Insurance
Chapter 18: Equity, Efficiency, and Need
Chapter 19: Government Intervention in Health Care Markets
Chapter 20: Government Regulation: Principal Regulatory Mechanisms
Chapter 21: Social Insurance
Chapter 22: Comparative Health Care Systems
Chapter 23: Health System Reform
PART VI: Special Topics
Chapter 24: The Health Economics of Bads
Chapter 25: Epidemiology and Economics: HIV/AIDS in Africa