Ch01 The Science of Psychology
What is Psychology?
Psychology then: The History of Psychology
Psychology Now: Modern Perspectives
Psychological Professionals and Areas of Specialization
Psychology: The Scientific Methodology
Ethics of Psychological Research
The Criteria for Critical Thinking
Ch02 Biological Perspective
An Overview of the Nervous System
Neurons and Nerves: Building the Network
The Central Nervous System-The “Central Processing Unit”
The Peripheral Nervous System-Nerves on the Edge
Distant Connections: The Endocrine Glands
Lookink Inside the Living Brain
From the Bottom Up: the Structures of the Brain
Ch03 Sensation and Perception
The ABCs of Sensation
the Science of Seeing
The Hearing Sense: Can You Hear Me Now?
Chemical Senses: It Tastes Good and Smells even Better
Somesthetic Senses: What the Body Knows
The ABCs of Perception
Ch04 Consciousness: Sleep, Dreams, Hypnosis, and Drugs
What is Consciousness?
Altered States: Sleep
Altered States: The Effects of Hypnosis
Altered States: The Influence of Psychoactive Drugs
Ch05 Learning
Definition of Learning
It Makes Your Mouth Water: Classical Conditioning
What’s in It for Me? Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Learning Theory
Observational Learning
Ch06 Memory
Three Processes of Memory
Models of Memory
The Information-Processing Model: Three Memory Systems
Getting It Out: Retrieval of Long-Term Memories
The Reconstructive Nature of Long-Term Memory Retrieval: How Reliable Are Memories?
What Were We Talking About? Forgetting
Neuroscience of Memory
Ch07 Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
How People Think
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: Mental and Physical Exercise Combine for Better Cognitive Health
Ch08 Development Across the Life Span
Issues in Studying Human Development
The Basic Building Blocks of Development
Prenatal Development
Infancy and Childhood Development
Ch09 Motivation and Emotion
Approaches To Understanding Motivation
What, Hungry Again? Why People Eat
Ch10 Sexuality and Gender
The Physical Side of Human Sexuality
The Psychological Side of Human Sexuality: Gender
Human Sexual Behavior
Sexual Dysfunctions and Problems
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Ch11 Stress and Health
Stress and Stressors
Physiological Factors: Stress and Health
Coping With Stress
Ch12 Social Psychology
Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, Obedience and group behavior
Social Cognition: Attitudes, Impression Formation, and Attribution
Social Interaction: Prejudice, Love, and Aggression
liking and loving: interpersonal attraction
Aggression and prosocial behavior
Ch13 Theories of Personality
Theories of Personality
The Man and the Couch: Sigmund Freud and the Psychodynamic Perspective
The Behaviorist and Social Cognitive View of Personality
The Third Force: Humanism and Personality
Trait Theories: Who are You?
The Biology of Personality: Behavioral Genetics
Assessment of Personality
Ch14 Psychological Disorders
What is Abnormality?
Models of Abnormality
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR)
Anxiety Disorders: What, Me Worry?
Mood Disorders: The Effect of Affect
Eating Disorders
Dissociative Disorders: Altered Identities
Schizophrenia: Altered Reality
Personality Disorders: I’m OK, it’s Everyone Else Who’s Weird
Ch15 Psychological Therapies
Two Kinds of Therapy
The Early Days: Ice-Water Baths and Electric Shocks
Psychotherapy Begins
Humanistic Therapy: To Err is Human
Behavior Therapies: Learning One’s Way to Better Behavior
Cognitive Therapies: Thinking is Believing
Group Therapies: Not JUST for the Shy
Does Psychotherapy Really Work?
Biomedical Therapies