Social Psychology: Pearson New International Edition

13e édition

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Pearson Education
Robert A Baron, Nyla R. Branscombe, Don Byrne,
BISAC Subject Heading
BIC subject category (UK)
JM Psychology
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
01 novembre 2013
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Psychologie

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 528
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre

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Chapter 1: Social Psychology: The Science of the Social Side of Life
Chapter 2: Social Cognition: How We Think About the Social World
Chapter 3: Social Perception: Perceiving and Understanding Others
Chapter 4: The Self: Answering the Question: “Who Am I?”
Chapter 5: Attitudes: Evaluating and Responding to the Social World
Chapter 6: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination:  The Causes, Effects, and Cures
Chapter 7: Interpersonal Attraction and Close Relationships
Chapter 8: Social Influence: Changing Others’ Behavior
Chapter 9: Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others
Chapter 10: Aggression: Its Nature, Causes, and Control
Chapter 11: Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging
Chapter 12: Social Psychology: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Happiness




Chapter 1: Social Psychology: The Science of the Social Side of Life
Social Psychology:  An Overview
Social Psychology: Advances at the Boundaries 
How Social Psychologists Answer The Questions They Ask: 
Increased Knowledge Through Research 
The Role of Theory in Social Psychology
The Quest for Knowledge and Rights of Individuals:  Seeking An Appropriate Balance
Getting the Most Out of This Book: A User’s Guide


Chapter 2: Social Cognition: How We Think About the Social World
Heuristics:  How We Employ Simple Rules in Social Cognition
Schemas:  Mental Frameworks for Organizing Social Information
Automatic and Controlled  Processing in Social Thought 
Potential Sources of Error in Social Cognition:  Why Total Rationality is Rarer Than You Think
Affect and Cognition:  How Feelings Shape Thought and Thought Shapes Feelings


Chapter 3: Social Perception: Perceiving and Understanding Others
Nonverbal Communication:  The Language of Expressions, Gazes, Gestures, and Scents
Attribution:  Understanding the Causes of Others' Behavior 
Impression Formation and Impression Management:  Combining
Information About Others


Chapter 4: The Self: Answering the Question: “Who Am I?”
Self-Presentation: Managing the Self in Different Social Contexts
Self-Knowledge: Determining Who We Are
Who Am I?: Personal versus Social Identity
Self-Esteem: Attitudes toward Ourselves
Chapter 5: Attitudes: Evaluating and Responding to the Social World
Attitude Formation: How Attitudes Develop
When and Why Do Attitudes Influence Behavior?
How Do Attitudes Guide Behavior?
The Fine Art of Persuasion: How Attitudes are Changed
Resisting Persuasion Attempts
Cognitive Dissonance: What it is and How Do We Manage It?


Chapter 6: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination:  The Causes, Effects, and Cures

How Members of Different Groups Perceive Inequality
The Nature and Origins of Stereotyping
Prejudice: Feelings Toward Social Groups
Discrimination:  Prejudice in Action
Why Prejudice Is Not Inevitable: Techniques for Countering Its Effects

Chapter 7: Interpersonal Attraction and Close Relationships
Internal Sources of Attraction: The Role of Needs and Emotions
External Sources of Attraction: The Effects of Proximity and Physical Beauty
Factors Based on Social Interaction: Similarity and Mutual Liking
Close Relationships:  Foundations of Social Life


Chapter 8: Social Influence: Changing Others’ Behavior
Conformity: Group Influence in Action
Compliance:  To Ask—Sometimes—Is To Receive
Symbolic Social Influence:  How We Are Influenced by Others Even When They Are Not There 
Obedience to Authority:  Would You Harm an Innocent Stranger If Ordered to Do So?


Chapter 9: Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others
Why People Help: Motives for Prosocial Behavior
Responding to an Emergency: Will Bystanders Help?
Factors that Increase or Reduce the Tendency to Help 
The Effects of Being Helped:  Why Underlying Motives Really Matter
Final Thoughts:  Are Prosocial Behavior and Aggression Really Opposites?


Chapter 10: Aggression: Its Nature, Causes, and Control
Perspectives on Aggression:  In Search of the Roots of Violence
Causes of Human Aggression:  Social, Cultural,  Personal, Situational  
Bullying:  Singling Out Others for Repeated Abuse
The Prevention and Control of Aggression:  Some Useful Techniques


Chapter 11: Social Psychology: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Happiness

Some Basic Causes of Social Adversity—And Coping With Them
Personal Happiness:  What It Is, and How to Attain It


Chapter 12: Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging
Groups: When We Join…And When We Leave 
Effects of the Presence of Others: From Task Performance to Behavior in Crowds
Coordination in Groups: Cooperation or Conflict?
Perceived Fairness in Groups: Its Nature and Effects
Decision Making by Groups: How It Occurs and the Pitfalls It Faces
The Role of Leadership in Group Settings

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