Fundamentals of Database Systems: Pearson New International Edition

6e édition

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Pearson Education
Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe,
BISAC Subject Heading
COM021000 COMPUTERS / Databases > COM084010 COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Databases
BIC subject category (UK)
UN Databases > UNS Database software
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
01 novembre 2013
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Bases de données
Classification thématique Thema: Logiciel de base de données

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 1088
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Part 1: Introduction to Databases

Chapter 1 Databases and Database Users  3

 1.1 Introduction  4

 1.2 An Example  6

 1.3 Characteristics of the Database Approach  9

 1.4 Actors on the Scene  14

 1.5 Workers behind the Scene  16

 1.6 Advantages of Using the DBMS Approach  17

 1.7 A Brief History of Database Applications  23

 1.8 When Not to Use a DBMS  26

 1.9 Summary  27

 Review Questions  27

 Exercises  28

 Selected Bibliography  28

Chapter 2 Database System Concepts and Architecture  29

 2.1 Data Models, Schemas, and Instances   30

 2.2 Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence  33

 2.3 Database Languages and Interfaces  36

 2.4 The Database System Environment  40

 2.5 Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs  44

 2.6 Classification of Database Management Systems  49

 2.7 Summary  52

 Review Questions  53

 Exercises  54

 Selected Bibliography  55

Part 2: Relational Data Model and SQL

Chapter 3 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints  59

 3.1 Relational Model Concepts  60

 3.2 Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas  67

 3.3 Update Operations, Transactions, and Dealing with Constraint Violations  75

 3.4 Summary  79

 Review Questions  80

 Exercises  80

 Selected Bibliography  85

Chapter 4 Basic SQL  87

 4.1 SQL Data Definition and Data Types  89

 4.2 Specifying Constraints in SQL  94

 4.3 Basic Retrieval Queries in SQL  97

 4.4 INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE Statements in SQL  107

 4.5 Additional Features of SQL  110

 4.6 Summary  111

 Review Questions  112

 Exercises  112

 Selected Bibliography  114

Chapter 5 More SQL: Complex Queries, Triggers, Views, and Schema Modification  115

 5.1 More Complex SQL Retrieval Queries  115

 5.2 Specifying Constraints as Assertions and Actions as Triggers  131

 5.3 Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL  133

 5.4 Schema Change Statements in SQL  137

 5.5 Summary  139

 Review Questions  141

 Exercises  141

 Selected Bibliography  143

Chapter 6 The Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus  145

 6.1 Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT  147

 6.2 Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory  152

 6.3 Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION  157

 6.4 Additional Relational Operations  165

 6.5 Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra  171

 6.6 The Tuple Relational Calculus  174

 6.7 The Domain Relational Calculus  183

 6.8 Summary  185

 Review Questions  186

 Exercises  187

 Laboratory Exercises  192

 Selected Bibliography  194

Part 3: Conceptual Modeling and Database Design

Chapter 7 Data Modeling Using the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model  199

 7.1 Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design  200

 7.2 A Sample Database Application  202

 7.3 Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys  203

 7.4 Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints  212

 7.5 Weak Entity Types  219

 7.6 Refining the ER Design for the COMPANY Database  220

 7.7 ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues  221

 7.8 Example of Other Notation: UML Class Diagrams  226

 7.9 Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two  228

 7.10 Summary  232

 Review Questions  234

 Exercises  234

 Laboratory Exercises  241

 Selected Bibliography  243

Chapter 8 The Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model  245

 8.1 Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance  246

 8.2 Specialization and Generalization  248

 8.3 Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization Hierarchies  251

 8.4 Modeling of UNION Types Using Categories  258

 8.5 A Sample UNIVERSITY EER Schema, Design Choices, and Formal Definitions  260

 8.6 Example of Other Notation: Representing Specialization and Generalization in UML Class Diagrams  265

 8.7 Data Abstraction, Knowledge Representation, and Ontology Concepts  267

 8.8 Summary  273

 Review Questions  273

 Exercises  274

 Laboratory Exercises  281

 Selected Bibliography  284

Chapter 9 Relational Database Design by ERand EER-to-Relational Mapping  285

 9.1 Relational Database Design Using ER-to-Relational Mapping  286

 9.2 Mapping EER Model Constructs to Relations  294

 9.3 Summary  299

 Review Questions  299

 Exercises  299

 Laboratory Exercises  301

 Selected Bibliography  302

Chapter 10 Practical Database Design Methodology and Use of UML Diagrams  303

 10.1 The Role of Information Systems in Organizations  304

 10.2 The Database Design and Implementation Process  309

 10.3 Use of UML Diagrams as an Aid to Database Design Specification  328

 10.4 Rational Rose: A UML-Based Design Tool  337

 10.5 Automated Database Design Tools  342

 10.6 Summary  345

 Review Questions  347

 Selected Bibliography  348

Part 4: Object, Object-Relational, and XML Models

Chapter 11 Object and Object-Relational Databases  353

 11.1 Overview of Object Database Concepts  355

 11.2 Object-Relational Features: Object Database Extensions to SQL  369

 11.3 The ODMG Object Model and the Object Definition Language ODL  376

 11.4 Object Database Conceptual Design  395

 11.5 The Object Query Language OQL  398

 11.6 Overview of the C++ Language Binding in the ODMG Standard  407

 11.7 Summary  408

 Review Questions  409

 Exercises  411

 Selected Bibliography  412

Chapter 12 XML: Extensible Markup Language  415

 12.1 Structured, Semistructured, and Unstructured Data  416

 12.2 XML Hierarchical (Tree) Data Model  420

 12.3 XML Documents, DTD, and XML Schema  423

 12.4 Storing and Extracting XML Documents from Databases  431

 12.5 XML Languages  432

 12.6 Extracting XML Documents from Relational Databases  436

 12.7 Summary  442

 Review Questions  442

 Exercises  443

 Selected Bibliography  443

Part 5: Database Programming Techniques

Chapter 13 Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques 447

 13.1 Database Programming: Techniques and Issues  448

 13.2 Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, and SQLJ  451

 13.3 Database Programming with Function Calls: SQL/CLI and JDBC  464

 13.4 Database Stored Procedures and SQL/PSM  473

 13.5 Comparing the Three Approaches  476

 13.6 Summary  477

 Review Questions  478

 Exercises  478

 Selected Bibliography  479

Chapter 14 Web Database Programming Using PHP  481

 14.1 A Simple PHP Example  482

 14.2 Overview of Basic Features of PHP  484

 14.3 Overview of PHP Database Programming  491

 14.4 Summary  496

 Review Questions  496

 Exercises  497

 Selected Bibliography  497

Part 6: Database Normalization Theory

Chapter 15 Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases  501

 15.1 Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas  503

 15.2 Functional Dependencies  513

 15.3 Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys  516

 15.4 General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms  525

 15.5 Boyce-Codd Normal Form  529

 15.6 Multivalued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form  531

 15.7 Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form  534

 15.8 Summary  535

 Review Questions  536

 Exercises  537

 Laboratory Exercises  542

 Selected Bibliography  542

Chapter 16 Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies  543

 16.1 Further Topics in Functional Dependencies: Inference Rules, Equivalence, and Minimal Cover  545

 16.2 Properties of Relational Decompositions  551

 16.3 Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design  557

 16.4 About Nulls, Dangling Tuples, and Alternative Relational Designs  563

 16.5 Further Discussion of Multivalued Dependencies and 4NF  567

 16.6 Other Dependencies and Normal Forms  571

 16.7 Summary  575

 Review Questions  576

 Exercises  576

 Laboratory Exercises  578

 Selected Bibliography  579

Part 7: File Structures, Indexing, and Hashing

Chapter 17 Disk Storage, Basic File Structures, and Hashing  583

 17.1 Introduction  584

 17.2 Secondary Storage Devices  587

 17.3 Buffering of Blocks  593

 17.4 Placing File Records on Disk  594

 17.5 Operations on Files  599

 17.6 Files of Unordered Records (Heap Files)  601

 17.7 Files of Ordered Records (Sorted Files)  603

 17.8 Hashing Techniques  606

 17.9 Other Primary File Organizations  616

 17.10 Parallelizing Disk Access Using RAID Technology  617

 17.11 New Storage Systems  621

 17.12 Summary  624

 Review Questions  625

 Exercises  626

 Selected Bibliography  630

Chapter 18 Indexing Structures for Files  631

 18.1 Types of Single-Level Ordered Indexes  632

 18.2 Multilevel Indexes  643

 18.3 Dynamic Multilevel Indexes Using B-Trees and B+-Trees  646

 18.4 Indexes on Multiple Keys  660

 18.5 Other Types of Indexes  663

 18.6 Some General Issues Concerning Indexing  668

 18.7 Summary  670

 Review Questions  671

 Exercises  672

 Selected Bibliography  674

Part 8: Query Processing, Optimization, and Database Tuning

Chapter 19 Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization  679

 19.1 Translating SQL Queries into Relational Algebra  681

 19.2 Algorithms for External Sorting  682

 19.3 Algorithms for SELECT and JOIN Operations  685

 19.4 Algorithms for PROJECT and Set Operations  696

 19.5 Implementing Aggregate Operations and OUTER JOINs  698

 19.6 Combining Operations Using Pipelining  700

 19.7 Using Heuristics in Query Optimization  700

 19.8 Using Selectivity and Cost Estimates in Query Optimization  710

 19.9 Overview of Query Optimization in Oracle  721

 19.10 Semantic Query Optimization  722

 19.11 Summary  723

 Review Questions  723

 Exercises  724

 Selected Bibliography  725

Chapter 20 Physical Database Design and Tuning  727

 20.1 Physical Database Design in Relational Databases  727

 20.2 An Overview of Database Tuning in Relational Systems  733

 20.3 Summary  739

 Review Questions  739

 Selected Bibliography  740

Part 9: Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control, and Recovery

Chapter 21 Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory  743

 21.1 Introduction to Transaction Processing  744

 21.2 Transaction and System Concepts  751

 21.3 Desirable Properties of Transactions  754

 21.4 Characterizing Schedules Based on Recoverability  755

 21.5 Characterizing Schedules Based on Serializability  759

 21.6 Transaction Support in SQL  770

 21.7 Summary  772

 Review Questions  772

 Exercises  773

 Selected Bibliography  775

Chapter 22 Concurrency Control Techniques  777

 22.1 Two-Phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control  778

 22.2 Concurrency Control Based on Timestamp Ordering  788

 22.3 Multiversion Concurrency Control Techniques  791

 22.4 Validation (Optimistic) Concurrency Control Techniques  794

 22.5 Granularity of Data Items and Multiple Granularity Locking  795

 22.6 Using Locks for Concurrency Control in Indexes  798

 22.7 Other Concurrency Control Issues  800

 22.8 Summary  802

 Review Questions  803

 Exercises  804

 Selected Bibliography  804

Chapter 23 Database Recovery Techniques  807

 23.1 Recovery Concepts  808

 23.2 NO-UNDO/REDO Recovery Based on Deferred Update  815

 23.3 Recovery Techniques Based on Immediate Update  817

 23.4 Shadow Paging  820

 23.5 The ARIES Recovery Algorithm  821

 23.6 Recovery in Multidatabase Systems  825

 23.7 Database Backup and Recovery from Catastrophic Failures  826

 23.8 Summary  827

 Review Questions  828

 Exercises  829

 Selected Bibliography  832

Part 10: Additional Database Topics: Security and Distribution

Chapter 24 Database Security  835

 24.1 Introduction to Database Security Issues  836

 24.2 Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting and Revoking Privileges  842

 24.3 Mandatory Access Control and Role-Based Access Control for Multilevel Security  847

 24.4 SQL Injection  855

 24.5 Introduction to Statistical Database Security  859

 24.6 Introduction to Flow Control  860

 24.7 Encryption and Public Key Infrastructures  862

 24.8 Privacy Issues and Preservation  866

 24.9 Challenges of Database Security  867

 24.10 Oracle Label-Based Security  868

 24.11 Summary  870

 Review Questions  872

 Exercises  873

 Selected Bibliography  874

Chapter 25 Distributed Databases  877

 25.1 Distributed Database Concepts  878

 25.2 Types of Distributed Database Systems  883

 25.3 Distributed Database Architectures  887

 25.4 Data Fragmentation, Replication, and Allocation Techniques for Distributed Database Design  894

 25.5 Query Processing and Optimization in Distributed Databases  901

 25.6 Overview of Transaction Management in Distributed Databases  907

 25.7 Overview of Concurrency Control and Recovery in Distributed Databases  909

 25.8 Distributed Catalog Management  913

 25.9 Current Trends in Distributed Databases  914

 25.10 Distributed Databases in Oracle  915

 25.11 Summary  919

 Review Questions  921

 Exercises  922

 Selected Bibliography  924

Part 11: Advanced Database Models, Systems, and Applications

Chapter 26 Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications  931

 26.1 Active Database Concepts and Triggers  933

 26.2 Temporal Database Concepts  943

 26.3 Spatial Database Concepts  957

 26.4 Multimedia Database Concepts  965

 26.5 Introduction to Deductive Databases  970

 26.6 Summary  983

 Review Questions  985

 Exercises  986

 Selected Bibliography  989

Chapter 27 Introduction to Information Retrieval and Web Search 993

 27.1 Information Retrieval (IR) Concepts  994

 27.2 Retrieval Models  1001

 27.3 Types of Queries in IR Systems  1007

 27.4 Text Preprocessing  1009

 27.5 Inverted Indexing  1012

 27.6 Evaluation Measures of Search Relevance  1014

 27.7 Web Search and Analysis  1018

 27.8 Trends in Information Retrieval  1028

 27.9 Summary  1030

 Review Questions  1031

 Selected Bibliography  1033

Chapter 28 Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP  1067

 28.1 Introduction, Definitions, and Terminology  1067

 28.2 Characteristics of Data Warehouses  1069

 28.3 Data Modeling for Data Warehouses  1070

 28.4 Building a Data Warehouse  1075

 28.5 Typical Functionality of a Data Warehouse  1078

 28.6 Data Warehouse versus Views  1079

 28.7 Difficulties of Implementing Data Warehouses  1080

 28.8 Summary  1081

 Review Questions  1081

 Selected Bibliography  1082


Appendix A Alternative Diagrammatic Notations for ER Models 1083

Appendix B Parameters of Disks 1087

Appendix C Overview of the QBE Language 1091

 C.1 Basic Retrievals in QBE 1091

 C.2 Grouping, Aggregation, and Database Modification in QBE 1095

Appendix D Overview of the Hierarchical Data Model (located on the Companion Website at

Appendix E Overview of the Network Data Model (located on the Companion Website at

Selected Bibliography 1099

Index 1133

*An access code for the Companion Website is included with each new textbook purchase of Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6/e

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