Part 1 Critical Thinking and Reading
2. Understanding Sources
a Understanding print sources
b Understanding Web sites
c Understanding images
3. Critical Thinking and Reading to Evaluate
a Evaluating print sources
b Evaluating Web sites
c Evaluating images
4. Responding to Sources
a Setting goals for reading to respond
b Applying techniques for reading to respond
c Moving personal responses into your papers
5. Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting
a Summarizing and paraphrasing sources
b Quoting sources
c Altering quotations
6. Weaving Sources into Your Papers
a Building evidence-based paragraphs
b Making standard “moves” with sources
c Weaving quotations into your sentences
d Identifying authors in your sentences
7. Synthesizing Sources
a Understanding your purpose for synthesizing sources
b Creating an index to your sources
Part 2 Critical Thinking and Writing
8. Understanding Your Assignment and Audience
a Understanding your assignment
b The audience for your assigned paper
c Generating ideas and information
9. Devising the Thesis
a Thesis definitions
b Focusing on the claim and your ambitions for the paper
10. Planning the Paper and Building the Draft
a Using the working thesis to identify parts of the paper
b Preparing a formal outline
c Writing a draft collaboratively
d Sample student paper: First draft
11. Global Revision and Peer Review
a Bringing your main idea into focus
b Peer review
12. Section/Paragraph/Sentence Revision
a Section-level revision: Developing your main idea
b Paragraph-level revision
c Sentence-level revision
d Sample student paper: Final draft
Part 3 Making Arguments in the Disciplines
13. Writing Arguments in the Humanities
a Overview of the humanities
b Making arguments in the humanities
14. Writing Arguments in the Social Sciences
a Overview of the social sciences
b Making arguments in the social sciences
15. Writing in the Natural and Applied Sciences
a Overview of the sciences
b Making arguments in the sciences
c Types of writing assignments in the sciences
16. Applying Principles of Academic Writing to Business Settings
a Overview of business communication
b Writing letters or e-mails of inquiry, complaint, and application
c Writing résumés (print and Web-based
d Making oral presentations
Part 4 Library of Academic Writing
17. Summary
a Summary defined
b Planning and writing the paper
Sample student paper in the Humanities (MLA)
18. Explanation
a Explanation defined
b Planning and writing the paper
Sample student paper in the Social Sciences (APA)
19. Analysis
a Analysis defined
b Planning and writing the paper
Sample student papers:
in the Social Sciences (APA)
in the Sciences (CSE)
20. Literary Analysis
a Literary analysis defined
b Planning and writing the paper
Sample student paper in the Humanities (MLA)
21. Critique
a Critique defined
b Planning and writing the paper
Sample student papers:
in the Humanities (MLA)
in the Social Sciences (APA)
22. Argument
a Argument defined
b Making a claim
c Ethos: Establishing yourself as trustworthy
d Logos: Supporting your claim with logical reasons
e Pathos: Supporting your claim with emotional reasons
f Gathering evidence
g Avoiding fallacies of evidence and logic
h Responding to counterarguments
i Writing your argument
Sample student paper in the Humanities (MLA)
23. Proposal
a Proposal defined
b Planning and writing the paper
Sample student paper in the Sciences (CSE)
24. Essay exams
a Essay exam writing defined
b Planning and writing the in-class essay
c A note on “Big Ideas”
Sample student essay exam in the Sciences (CSE)
Part 5 Research
25. The Research Process
a Defining the task: Topic, purpose, and audience
b Identifying your research question
c Generating a plan for research
d Devising a working thesis and writing a draft
e Record-keeping: Creating a working bibliography
26. Locating Electronic and Print Sources
a Reviewing sources for preliminary research and reading
b Focusing your research
c Locating sources on the Web
d Additional Web sites for researchers
e Bringing your research to an end
27. Avoiding Plagiarism
a Citing sources
b Causes of plagiarism
c Three rules for avoiding plagiarism
d Determining common knowledge
e Plagiarism, the Internet, and “Fair Use”
f Collaboration and plagiarism
Part 6 MLA Documentation
28. Using the MLA System of Documentation
Quick Index
a In-text citations
b Works Cited models
Part 7 APA, CMS, CSE Documentation
29. Using the APA System of Documentation
Quick Index
a In-text citations
b References
30. Using the CMS and CSE Systems of Documentation
a First and subsequent references in CMS notes
b CMS notes style
c In-text citations in CSE format
d Entries in the CSE References list
Part 8 Multimedia Resources
31. Multimedia Presentations
a Writing and multimedia: Similarities and differences
b Composing Web sites
c Composing blogs
d Composing wikis
e Composing slideshows
f Composing audio podcasts
g Composing digital video
h Designing written documents
32. Digital Sources: Images, Audio, Video
a Fair use/Transformative use
b Public domain
c Copyright friendly
d Resources for finding digital media
e A reminder
Part 9 Revising for Sentence Structure and Clarity
33. Correcting Sentence Fragments
a Dependent clauses
b Phrases
c Compound predicates
34. Correcting Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences
a Identifying errors
b Correcting errors
35. Building Emphasis with Coordination and Subordination
a Coordination with and/but, consequently
b Subordination with while, when, because
c Mixing coordination and subordination
36. Correcting Errors in Consistency
a Shifts in person and number
b Shifts in tense, mood, and voice
c Direct and indirect speech
d Logic among sentence parts
e Consistent relations
f Constructions with missing words
g Clear comparisons
37. Being Clear, Concise, and Direct
a Wordiness
b Strong verbs
38. Precision: Choosing the Right Word
a Dictionary entries
b Vocabulary building
c The impact of words
d Tone
e Biased language
Part 10 Revising for Correctness
39. Using Verbs
a Principal parts
b Irregular verbs
c Auxiliary verbs
d Transitive and intransitive verbs
e Tense
f Tense sequencing
g Active and passive voices
h Mood
40. Correcting Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement
a Subject number and verb agreement
b Indefinite (in number) and other subjects
41. Correcting Errors in Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement & Reference
a Pronoun-antecedent and number
b Clear pronoun reference
42. Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
a Positioning modifiers
b Limiting modifiers
c Squinting modifiers
d Disruptive modifiers
e Dangling modifiers
43. Using Adjectives and Adverbs
a Adjectives and adverbs
b Adjectives and linking verbs
c Using comparatives and superlatives
d Logic of comparatives and superlatives
e Double comparisons, superlatives, and negatives
f Past and present participles as adjectives
44. Using Nouns and Pronouns
a Pronouns as subjects
b Pronouns as objects
c Nouns/pronouns to show possession
d Pronouns in compound constructions
e Pronouns paired with nouns
f Choosing who/whom
g Pronouns in comparisons
45. Correcting Faulty Parallelism
a Parallelism with and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet
b Parallelism with either/or, neither/nor, both/and, not only/but also
c Parallelism in sentences with compared and contrasted elements
Part 11 Revising Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling
46. Using End Punctuation
a The period
b The question mark
c The exclamation point
47. Using Commas
a Commas with introductory and concluding expressions
b Commas before coordinating conjunctions
c Commas between items in a series
d Commas to set off nonessential elements
e Conventions of quoting, naming, and various forms of separation
f Misuse or overuse of commas
48. Using Semicolons
a Linking independent clauses
b Linking independent clauses with a conjunctive adverb (however,
c Linking independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction (and, but)
d Separating items in a series
e Quotation marks and semicolons
49. Using Apostrophes
a Possession with nouns and pronouns
b Contractions marking the omission of letters and numbers
c Plural forms of letters, numbers, and symbols
50. Using Quotations Marks
a Direct quotations
b Dialogue and other material
c Misuse or overuse of quotation marks
51. Using Other Marks
a The colon
b Dashes for emphasis
c Parentheses to set off nonessential information
d Brackets for editorial clarification
e Ellipses to indicate a break in continuity
f The slash
52. Using Capitals
a The first letter of the first word in every sentence
b Words of significance in a title
c The first word in every line of poetry, according to conventions
d Proper nouns
53. Using Italics
a Words for specific emphasis
b Words, letters, and numbers to be defined or identified
c Titles of book-length works
d The Internet
54. Using Abbreviations
a Titles of rank both before and after proper names
b Specific dates and numbers
c Acronyms, uppercase abbreviations, and corporate abbreviations
d Latin expressions
e Misuse of abbreviations
55. Using Numbers in Writing
a Numbers that begin sentences and one-or two-word numbers
b Conventional use of numbers
56. Using Hyphens
a Compound words
b Word divisions at the end of a line
57. Making Spelling Decisions
a Homonyms and commonly confused words
b Basic rules for ie/ei
c Rules for using prefixes
d Rules for using suffixes
e Rules for forming plurals
Part 12 Multilingual Users’ Guide
58. The Fundamentals of Grammar
a Five patterns
b Sentence parts
c Phrases
d Clauses
e Sentence classification
59. Using English Nouns, Pronouns, and Articles
a English nouns
b Articles with nouns
c Nouns with prepositions
60. Using English Verbs
a Different types of verbs
b Verb forms
c Word order
d Helping verbs
e Gerunds and infinitives
f Two- and three-word verbs with participles
61. Using Modifiers and Connectors in English Sentences
a Single-word adjectives and nouns
b Adjectival modifiers with linking verbs and prepositions
c Adverbial modifiers
d Phrases and clauses to modify nouns and pronouns
e Clauses and phrases with connecting words
f Cumulative modifiers