Entrepreneurship: Pearson New International Edition

Starting and Operating a Small Business
3e édition

For courses in Entrepreneurship, Small Business Management, and How to Start Your Own Business Courses in Continuing Education.


Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating A Small Business, Third Edition, demystifies the process of starting a business by presenting difficult economic, financial and business concepts in a manner easily understood by beginning business students. This edition is based on a proven curriculum from the Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and includes new case studies, a new Honest Tea Business Plan, and more on topics such as cash flow and e-marketing. Drawing on the experience of Steve Mariotti and Caroline Glackin, students will begin building their business plan as soon as they open the text! In a step by step process students will learn how to start a small business, operate a small business and turn their ideas into viable business opportunities.


VitalSource eBook (VitalBook) - En anglais 69,00 € DRM - Momentanément indisponible


Pearson Education
Steve Mariotti, Caroline Glackin,
BISAC Subject Heading
BUS025000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Entrepreneurship > BUS060000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Small Business
BIC subject category (UK)
KJH Entrepreneurship > KJVS Small businesses & self-employed
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
01 novembre 2013
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Entreprenariat
Classification thématique Thema: Petites et moyennes entreprises et indépendants

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 576
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre

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