Technical Communication Today: Pearson New International Edition

4e édition

Technical Communication Todayremains the only text to fully centralize the computer in the technical workplace, presenting how writers use computers throughout their communication process.     Writers use their... Lire la suite

Technical Communication Todayremains the only text to fully centralize the computer in the technical workplace, presenting how writers use computers throughout their communication process.  



Writers use their computers to help them think, research, compose, design, and edit.  Not only is Technical Communication Today  firmly rooted in core rhetorical principles, but the text also presents computers as thinking tools that powerfully influence how we develop, produce, design, and deliver technical documents and presentations. 


Clear instruction not only describes technical documents, but also guides the reader through the activity of producing them. Technical Communication Today  helps communicators draft and design documents, prepare material for print and Web publication, and make oral presentations; by bringing computers to the foreground as thinking tools, it accurately reflects the modern day computer-centered technical workplace.


Technical Communication Today  speaks to today's students and how they expect to learn information.  Instructional narrative is “chunked,” so that readable portions of text are combined with graphics. Not only does this presentation facilitate learning, but it also models the way today’s technical documents should be designed.  Additionally, the chunked presentation integrates an awareness of how documents are read–often “raided” by readers seeking the information they need.  By mirroring these processes in its content and structure, Technical Communication Today offers a higher level of accessibility for readers.

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Pearson Education
Richard Johnson-Sheehan,
BISAC Subject Heading
LAN009000 LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics > TEC044000 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Technical Writing
BIC subject category (UK)
CF Linguistics > CBWT Technical writing
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
01 novembre 2013
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Linguistique
Classification thématique Thema: Technologie : généralités
Classification thématique Thema: Arts de l’écriture et techniques de rédaction

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
01 novembre 2013
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 679
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre

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