Achat étudiants TBS Business School uniquement - Management Accounting for decision makers (ouvrage numérique) Lire la suite
Bachelor B1 Cost Accounting and Budgeting
Course start date : 4th January 2022
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L'ouvrage sera consultable en ligne et téléchargeable pendant 12 mois à compter de la date d'activation du code. Pour le téléchargement selon l'appareil utlisé, rendez-vous sur cette page.
1 - Introduction to Management Accounting
2 - Relevant costs and benefits for decision making
3 - Cost-volume-profit analysis
4 - Full costing
5 - Costing and cost management in a competitive environment
6 - Budgeting
7 - Accounting for control
8 - Making capital investment decisions
9 - Managing risk
10 - Strategic management accounting: performance evaluation and pricing in a competitive environment
11 - Measuring divisional performance
12 - Managing Working Capital