
Nudge marketing English Version

Winning at Behavioral Change

How can you double the sales of an everyday product without changing either its packaging or placement in store? How can you increase the effectiveness of a public health campaign or get the general population to reduce their energy consumption without spending a dime? Nothing could be simpler. All it takes is that you activate the right lever. In other words, that you give your target group a little 'nudge', which causes major changes in their behavior!

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a marketer, an advertising executive, a political decision maker, or the head of an organization, one thing is for certain: you can change your target group’s habits via seemingly minor interventions. To do this, you only need understanding the origins of the decision-making process and come up with a suitable strategy.

Drawing on studies on behavioral economics which he applies successfully to both private enterprise and public administration, Éric Singler puts forward a complete, effective methodology – a genuine ‘action plan’ for coming up with high-yield nudges.

Using case studies to identify the key factors for success, Nudge Marketing explains how to produce significant changes in behavior as a means to improve the return on investment for any marketing strategy.

How can you double the sales of an everyday product without changing either its packaging or placement in store? How can you increase the effectiveness of a public health campaign or get the general population to reduce their energy consumption without spending a dime? Nothing could be simpler. All it takes is that you activate the right lever. In other words, that you give your target group a little ‘nudge’, which causes major changes in their behavior!

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a marketer, an advertising executive, a political decision maker, or the head of an organization, one thing is for certain: you can change your target group’s habits via seemingly minor interventions. To do this, you only need understanding the origins of the decision-making process and come up with a suitable strategy.

Drawing on studies on behavioral economics which he applies successfully to both private enterprise and public administration, Éric Singler puts forward a complete, effective methodology – a genuine ‘action plan’ for coming up with high-yield nudges.

Using case studies to identify the key factors for success, Nudge Marketing explains how to produce significant changes in behavior as a means to improve the return on investment for any marketing strategy.

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Éric Singler,
Village Mondial
Mots clés
comportement du consommateur, marketing, neuromarketing, Nudge
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires > Économie & Gestion > Marketing & Communication > Marketing
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires > Économie & Gestion > Marketing & Communication
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires
BISAC Subject Heading
BUS043000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Marketing
BIC subject category (UK)
KJS Sales & marketing
Code publique Onix
06 Professionnel et académique
CLIL (Version 2013-2019 )
3187 Marketing
Description public visé
Professionnels du marketing, de la publicité, de la communication ; créateurs d'entreprise ; étudiants en marketing.
Date de première publication du titre
04 septembre 2015
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Classification thématique Thema: Ventes et marketing


Date de publication
04 septembre 2015
Nombre de pages de contenu principal : 336
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre
DRM -Adobe
Version 2.1, Version 3


Date de publication
04 septembre 2015
Pages chiffres romains : 336
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre
DRM -Adobe
Version 2.1, Version 3

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I A brief history of the revolution
01. The main players
02. The stages of the revolution
03. The weapons

II How Homer Simpson dethroned Superman
04. The Superman illusion (and the Homer Simpson reality)
05. Our logical process is highly chaotic
06. We are emotional beings
07. We are social beings: a biological phenomenon?
08. We are creatures of context
09. We are creatures of habit
10. We are creatures of intuition and strangers to ourselves

III Nudge markting applied to public policy
11. The Nudge approach: the devil's in the detail
12. Five years of Nudge: an overview
13. How to design successful Nudges

IV From Nudge to Nudge marketing
14. The Nudge marketer's mental framework
15. A base for the construction of effective actions
16. The five phases of Nudge marketing
17. Predictive testing

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