Strategic Brand Management

Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, Global Edition
5e édition

For courses in brand management. Create profitable brand strategies by building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Lire la suite

Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity looks at branding from the perspective of the consumer, and provides a framework that identifies, defines, and measures brand equity. Using insight from both academics and industry practitioners, the text draws on illustrative examples and case studies of brands marketed in the US and all over the world. New co-author and award-winning scholar Vanitha Swaminathan, joins Kevin Lane Keller on this exciting, new 5th Edition. This edition also features a greater focus on digital branding, so students are aware of the exciting new opportunities and daunting challenges brands must face in connecting with today's consumers.

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Kevin Keller,
Global Edition / English textbooks
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires > Économie & Gestion > Marketing & Communication > Marketing
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires > Économie & Gestion > Marketing & Communication
Catégorie (éditeur)
Manuels et lecture complémentaires
BISAC Subject Heading
BUS043000 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Marketing
BIC subject category (UK)
KJS Sales & marketing
Code publique Onix
05 Enseignement supérieur
Date de première publication du titre
04 juillet 2019

VitalSource eBook

Date de publication
04 juillet 2019
Code interne
Protection technique e-livre
49,99 €
Version 2.1, Version 3

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